Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
CIO Plus is an association of highly experienced successful CIOs who have a wealth of knowledge in delivering IT Strategy that can be applied in a practical and efficient manner.
We are not just theorists, fresh out of university, who are blindly following a methodology. We firmly believe that the most effective way of setting IT Strategy is to use common sense based on experience, and this has been borne out on numerous occasions.
In M&A situations, up to 50% of the anticipated cost savings can arise from integrating the IT functions properly. We employ a rapid integration methodology to take out costs and to simplify and standardise the IT environment.
We put early focus on communicating clearly, stopping unnecessary projects quickly and redeveloping the sourcing strategy.
Benchmarking is a very powerful tool when it is combined with experience and used to improve the performance of an organisation rather than, as all too frequently happens, preserve the Status Quo in a ‘defensive’ manner.
CIO Plus's unique approach to benchmarking always supports the typical theoretical 'top-down' assessment with a 'bottom-op' build based on hard experience.
How does an organisation know whether it has an efficient IT function? This is a question often posed by CEOs and CFOs about their IT department.
We answer the question by using our experience, common sense and a range of methodologies that we have developed over time to benchmark and improve the operational performance of IT.
All too often CIO’s concentrate on getting the IT side of their department right in order to improve efficiency within the business but forget to concentrate on their own cost base to the overall detriment of the bottom line.
CIO Plus specialises in delivering balanced IT – where the process benefits are optimised and the costs are minimised.
CIO Plus specialises in setting up & optimising ‘client owned’ Off Shore Indian facilities that can deliver substantial cost and performance benefits for IT and Business Processes.
If you are interested in seeing whether this is the right approach for you, we can guide you through the entire decision making process, based on hard data and real life examples extracted from over 40 successful Indian transitions.
CIO Plus’s general assertion on mainstream IT outsourcing, long seen as a tactic of choice for CIOs, is that wholesale outsourcing ought to be one of last resort for an organisation of sufficient critical mass.
If an organisation’s IT function and its leadership is good enough, then it should be delivering these services to the organisation itself; and if it’s not then time and resources should be put into making it so.
CIO Plus Interim Managers are a cost-effective way of getting your organisation from where it is today to where it needs to be in the future.
The areas of focus may be the IT Strategy, IT Leadership, IT Sourcing Strategy, a delinquent programme/project or simply a major change challenge that you don’t have the in-house capability or bandwidth to meet.
CIO Plus is frequently engaged by clients to assess the effectiveness of their IT Services.
This involves us in benchmarking a range of key parameters, examining the sourcing strategy (and the value for money provided by 3rd party suppliers) and assessing the IT function overall - strategy, structure, leadership, communication, technical capability and morale.
Cloud Computing transforms the economics of IT and sets new levels of ambition. The mind-set must now be “make my IT costs 30% of what they are now”.
This requires a vision and acceptance of a new model, which delivers this ambition and improves business responsiveness.