Formed in 2004 by two former FTSE CIOs, CIO Plus has grown rapidly by taking genuine ownership of IT related problems and delivering robust solutions. A key to the growth & success of the company has been the development, over many customer assignments, of proprietary tools to enable major change, review and investment projects to be conceived and implemented in partnership with our customers.
John Berney is a CIO and Chartered Accountant with a proven ability to operate at board level within large multi-site international organisations and has an impressive track record of substantially improving profitability by deploying clear strategic thinking, commercially focused technology and common sense. John has a wealth of experience in Mergers and Acquisitions and has a strong record in delivering the anticipated synergy benefits when the ICT functions of organisations are integrated, this being the area where half the overall M&A cost savings can often be found.
John is a Chartered Accountant ACA, and holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics from the University of Nottingham. He is also a recognised industry speaker.
Keith Bellamy is an exceptional IT Services Executive with extensive experience, industry knowledge and the proven ability to lead transformational activities that have substantially improved business performance.
His critical strengths include the talent to combine strategic thought and operational performance with pragmatism to ensure delivery of key objectives. Keith also possesses excellent interpersonal skills that are necessary to manage complex stakeholder relationships.
Ram Kovath
Programme Director, Transition
Head of Asia Pacific
GIC Initiatives
Ram is a highly experienced transformation director based in India, with a personal mission to deliver tangible differential benefits to organisations by setting up sustainable business solutions using Off Shoring.
19+ years of significant experience in IT Infrastructure Management, Service Delivery, Outsourcing of IT Services, Transition and Programme Management and Remote Infrastructure Management.
Chris Billimore is a business and IT leader with deep change management skills and experience. Specific expertise in IT strategy and IT sourcing strategy development and execution; Divestments; outsourcing, insourcing; leadership of enterprise-wide business transformation programmes underpinned by IT. Experience of operating at board level in Global and UK organisations within Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Electronics/Engineering, and Public Sectors. A proven change leader, programme manager and interim CIO, with recent expertise in ‘Green IT’ and preparing organisations for the new marketing and regulatory environments emerging as a result of climate change.
Chris holds BSc (Hons) and MBA degrees from UK universities. He is a frequent presenter on 'Getting ERP implementations right this time' and the 'Why and How of Green IT Strategy' and its integration with organisations’ CSR objectives.

Hans Rooijmans
Programme Director, GIC Services
Head of Mainland Europe
GIC Initiative
Hans is a highly experienced executive manager able to work at the most senior levels within an organisation, with a specific focus on IT consultancy, outsourcing and offshoring arenas. He has a strong track record of delivery, having established, managed, transformed and continually improved a number of IT organisations, notably designing, implementing and running Logica’s Infrastructure Management service in India.
Hans has an open management style, which he aligns with a pragmatic, analytical and flexible approach to ensure the business benefits and required results are delivered. He is able to work on both a business and technical level with ease and has a strong ability to work across different cultures due to his extensive international management

Carsten Ringsing
Professional Services Director
Nexthink Training
Carsten Ringsing is a highly experienced IT Director with over 15 years practical experience in:
International IS Service Operations Management/ITIL.
Cloud Service Adoption Strategies.
International IS Procurement & Contracts Negotiations.
Private Cloud Design & Implementations.
International M&A Projects.
Data Center Designs & Implementations.
Interim IS Management Placements.
Project Management - Prince2.
Risk Management - MoR.
SC Clearance (UK Government).
Carsten is our Professional Services Director responsible for Nexthink training, implementations and follow on services.
"We act totally independently from suppliers and have a team of experienced associates that has been built up over many years and will ensure that the right skills are applied at the right time with the right cost and outcome. Our team consists of battle hardened professionals who have 'been there and done it' and not just 'fresh out of college' graduates blindly following a methodology."
John Berney, Founding Director